Initially, you will feel like you’re going to die. You will be watching the clock after every set. The primary principle involved with this Tom Platz style high volume workout is rest-pause.
High Volume One Hour Tom Platz Leg Workout You can knock it out in an hour, if you survive. So, how do we workout like Tom Platz when our schedules are busy and we only have one hour to train? As a wise man once said, where there’s a will, there’s a way.Ĭall this leg workout, Tom Platz version 2.0. Both Platz and Schwarzenegger spent hours at a time in the gym. But unfortunately, when we think of Tom Platz and Arnold Schwarzenegger, we also think of high volume training. There are few iconic bodyparts in the history of bodybuilding. High Volume, One Hour Tom Platz Leg Workout